I went for a beautiful walk today around Sonoma for about an hour before sunset. I kept my VFF TrekSports in my hand, and set off around town at a very slow, leisurely pace. The amazing thing about walking around Sonoma barefoot is all the different surfaces I encountered in just one mile. Below are a few pictures I captured on my phone's camera... sorry for the poor quality.
This is one of the roughest sections of the Sonoma Bike Path near my apartment.
Another rough section of the Sonoma Bike Path, but with a completely different feel underfoot. I don't know if you'll be able to see the difference in textures.
The most gorgeous and smooth sidewalk I have ever seen... right next to a winery with a huge fountain in the back.
A random section of Spain Street with no sidewalk... I opted to take the curb on this one.
Smooth and cool brick near the Mission. Felt very good underfoot.
And not much further up, a random patch of completely different texture. A lady walked by and gave me a weird look as I took this picture ;)
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